It looks like NTP was the problem.  Thanks for the solution!!!

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 9:20 AM, Robert Wille <> wrote:

>  Timestamps have millisecond granularity. If you make multiple writes
> within the same millisecond, then the outcome is not deterministic.
>  Also, make sure you are running ntp. Clock skew will manifest itself
> similarly.
>  On May 13, 2015, at 3:47 AM, Jared Rodriguez <>
> wrote:
>  Thanks for the feedback.  We have dug in deeper and upgraded to
> Cassandra 2.0.14 and are seeing the same issue.  What appears to be
> happening is that if a record is initially written, then the first read is
> fine.  But if we immediately update that record with a second write, that
> then the second read is problematic.
>  We have a 4 node cluster and a replication factor of 2.  What seems to
> be happening on the initial write the record is sent to nodes A and B.  If
> a secondary write (update) of the record occurs while the record is in the
> memtable and not yet written to the sstable of A or B, that the next read
> returns nothing.
>  We are continuing to dig in and get as much detail as possible before
> opening this as a JIRA.
> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 6:51 PM, Robert Coli <> wrote:
>>  On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 12:35 PM, Michael Shuler <
>> > wrote:
>>>  This is a 4 node cluster running Cassandra 2.0.6
>>> Can you reproduce the same issue on 2.0.14? (or better yet, the
>>> cassandra-2.0 branch HEAD, which will soon ship 2.0.15) If you get the same
>>> results, please, open a JIRA with the reproduction steps.
>>  And if you do file such a JIRA, please let the list know the JIRA URL,
>> to close the loop!
>>  =Rob
>  --
> Jared Rodriguez

Jared Rodriguez

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