Sorry that was a typo the query I had in my test case reads as follows: $query = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY smoke (KEY text PRIMARY KEY, monkey text) WITH comparator = text AND default_validation = text";
thanks for your response, still have the same issue. it seems thrift php interface exception aren't always very descriptive. code snippet try{ echo "Executing create column query <br/>"; //$query = "CREATE KEYSPACE southafrica WITH strategy_options:replication_factor = 1 AND strategy_class = 'SimpleStrategy'"; $query = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY smoke (KEY text PRIMARY KEY, monkey text) WITH comparator = text AND default_validation = text"; $result = $cassandraClient->execute_cql_query( $query , cassandra_Compression::NONE ); echo "|". print_r($result) . "|" . "<br>"; }catch( cassandra_InvalidRequestException $exrs ){ echo "COLUMNFAMILY error occuired -- <br> " . $exrs->getTraceAsString() . " <br>"; }catch( Exception $ex ){ echo $ex->getTraceAsString(); throw $ex; } CREATE KEYSPACE southafrica works perfetly, USE southafrica works, but "create columnfamily" :( makes my heart ache... On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 4:27 AM, Eric Evans <> wrote: > On Thu, 2011-05-26 at 20:51 +0200, Kwasi Gyasi - Agyei wrote: > > CREATE COLUMNFAMILY magic (KEY text PRIMARY KEY, monkey ) WITH > > comparator = text AND default_validation = text > > That's not a valid query. If monkey is a column definition, then it > needs a type. If you're trying to name the key, don't do that (at least > not yet). Try instead: > > CREATE COLUMNFAMILY magic (KEY text PRIMARY KEY, monkey text) WITH > comparator = text AND default_validation = text > > > -- > Eric Evans > > > -- *4Things* Multimedia and Communication | Property | Entertainment Kwasi Owusu Gyasi - Agyei *cell* (+27) (0) 76 466 4488 *website * *email * *skype *kwasi.gyasiagyei *role* Developer.Designer.Software Architect