got system in debug mode

the following query fails

CREATE COLUMNFAMILY magic (KEY text PRIMARY KEY, monkey ) WITH comparator =
text AND default_validation = text

PHP error reads

TBase->_read('Cassandra_execu...', Array, Object(TBinaryProtocol)) #1
CassandraClient->recv_execute_cql_query() #3
CassandraClient->execute_cql_query('CREATE COLUMNFA...', 2) #4 {main}

Cassandra logs read

DEBUG 20:48:10,659 Disseminating load info ...
DEBUG 20:49:10,661 Disseminating load info ...
DEBUG 20:49:22,867 CQL statement type: USE
DEBUG 20:49:22,870 logged out: #<User allow_all groups=[]>

here is the code I'm using to test


$socketPool          = new TSocketPool();
$socketPool->addServer( "", 9160 );
$socketPool->setDebug( true );

$framedTransport  = new TFramedTransport( $socketPool, true, true );
$bufferedProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol( $framedTransport, true, true );
//new TBinaryProtocolAccelerated( $framedTransport );
$cassandraClient  = new CassandraClient( $bufferedProtocol,
$bufferedProtocol );


    echo "opening connection <br>";


        echo "settign keyspace to use <br/>";
        $result = $cassandraClient->execute_cql_query( "use nnduronic" ,
         print_r( $result );

    }catch( cassandra_InvalidRequestException $exrs ){

        echo "USE error occuired -- <br> " . $exrs->getTraceAsString() . "


            echo "Executing create column query <br/>";
            $query  = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY magic (KEY text PRIMARY KEY,
monkey ) WITH comparator = text AND default_validation = text";
            $result = $cassandraClient->execute_cql_query( $query ,
cassandra_Compression::NONE );

            echo "|". print_r($result) . "|" . "<br>";

    }catch( cassandra_InvalidRequestException $exrs ){
        echo "COLUMNFAMILY error occuired -- <br> " .
$exrs->getTraceAsString() . " <br>";
        echo "closing connnection <br>";

I'm lost :(

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 9:17 AM, aaron morton <>wrote:

> Cool, this may be a better discussion for the client-dev list
> I would start by turning up the server logging to DEBUG and watching your
> update / select queries.
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> @aaronmorton
> On 26 May 2011, at 16:15, Kwasi Gyasi - Agyei wrote:
> Hi,
> I have manged to generate thrift interface for php along with implementing
> auto-loading of both Cassandra and thrift core class.
> However during my testing the only query that works as expected is the
> create keyspace cql query... all other queries don't do or return any
> results nor do they throw exceptions even in try catch statement I get
> nothing.
> --
> *4Things*
> Multimedia and Communication | Property | Entertainment
> Kwasi Owusu Gyasi - Agyei
> *cell*        (+27) (0) 76 466 4488
> *website *
> *email     *
> *skype    *kwasi.gyasiagyei
> *role*        Developer.Designer.Software Architect

Multimedia and Communication | Property | Entertainment
Kwasi Owusu Gyasi - Agyei

*cell*        (+27) (0) 76 466 4488
*website *
*email     *
*skype    *kwasi.gyasiagyei
*role*        Developer.Designer.Software Architect

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