Cool, this may be a better discussion for the client-dev list
I would start by turning up the server logging to DEBUG and watching your update / select queries. Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer @aaronmorton On 26 May 2011, at 16:15, Kwasi Gyasi - Agyei wrote: > Hi, > > I have manged to generate thrift interface for php along with implementing > auto-loading of both Cassandra and thrift core class. > > However during my testing the only query that works as expected is the create > keyspace cql query... all other queries don't do or return any results nor do > they throw exceptions even in try catch statement I get nothing. > > -- > 4Things > Multimedia and Communication | Property | Entertainment > Kwasi Owusu Gyasi - Agyei > > cell (+27) (0) 76 466 4488 > website > email > skype kwasi.gyasiagyei > role Developer.Designer.Software Architect