On 6/22/10 10:07 AM, James Golick wrote:
This node's load is now growing at a ridiculous rate. It is at 105GB, with the next most loaded node at 70.63GB.

Given that RF=3, I would assume that the replicas' nodes would grow relatively quickly too?
What Replica Placement Strategy are you using (Rackunaware, Rackaware, etc?)? The current implementation of Rackaware is pretty simple and relies on careful placement of nodes in multiple DCs along the ring to avoid hotspots.

RackAwareStrategy: replica 2 is placed in the first node along the ring the belongs in another data center than the first; the remaining N-2 replicas, if any, are placed on the first nodes along the ring in the same rack as the first

Note that with RackAwareStrategy, succeeding nodes along the ring should alternate data centers to avoid hot spots. For instance, if you have nodes A, B, C, and D in increasing Token order, and instead of alternating you place A and B in DC1, and C and D in DC2, then nodes C and A will have disproportionately more data on them because they will be the replica destination for every Token range in the other data center.


Is also related, and marked Fix Version 0.8.


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