No problem. I had fun discovering how to make it work. I like the macro idea


On 22 Aug 2010 14:03, "Jacob Beard" <> wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> I'll bring it up on the developer's list.
> I've created a macro that sets up the rhino environment, so right now
> this seems like a good enough solution for me:
> <macrodef name="rhinoscript">
> <text name="text"/>
> <sequential>
> <script language="javascript" manager="bsf">
> <classpath>
> <fileset dir="../../../lib/java/" includes="js.jar"/>
> <fileset dir="../../../lib/build-java/" includes="*.jar"></fileset>
> </classpath><![CDATA[
> importPackage(java.lang, java.util,;
> //System.out.println("Hello from JavaScript!!");
> //create shell, execute something and grab global
> var shell =;
> var args = ["-e","var a='STRING';"];
> shell.exec(args);
> var shellGlobal =;
> //grab functions from shell global and place in current global
> var load=shellGlobal.load;
> var print=shellGlobal.print;
> var defineClass=shellGlobal.defineClass;
> var deserialize=shellGlobal.deserialize;
> var doctest=shellGlobal.doctest;
> var gc=shellGlobal.gc;
> var;
> var loadClass=shellGlobal.loadClass;
> var quit=shellGlobal.quit;
> var readFile=shellGlobal.readFile;
> var readUrl=shellGlobal.readUrl;
> var runCommand=shellGlobal.runCommand;
> var seal=shellGlobal.seal;
> var serialize=shellGlobal.serialize;
> var spawn=shellGlobal.spawn;
> var sync=shellGlobal.sync;
> var toint32=shellGlobal.toint32;
> var version=shellGlobal.version;
> var environment=shellGlobal.environment;
> @{text}
> ]]></script>
> </sequential>
> </macrodef>
> <target name="hello">
> <rhinoscript>
> print("Hello World!")
> </rhinoscript>
> </target>
> Thanks again for your help with this,
> Jake
> On 10-08-22 04:12 AM, Greg Roodt wrote:
>> Hi
>> Glad it worked.
>> I agree with you. I think it would be much easier and more useful if
>> functions from the Rhino shell were made available. It is not something
>> the<script /> task is going out of its way to remove though, the problem
>> actually Rhino/javascript itself (not a problem, more a strictness). The
>> javascript language spec does not specify these functions, therefore they
>> are not made available in the interpreter and JSR 223.
>> All that the<script /> task essentially does is the following:
>> 1. Determine which script engine to use.
>> 2. Fire up the script engine.
>> 3. Inject Ant objects (project, tasks etc.) into the Context of the
>> This is to help make it possible to use scripting languages to write Ant
>> scripts, remember this task is not meant to be a general purpose script
>> runner, but a way to make it simpler to script Ant tasks.
>> The Rhino Shell then confuses people, by providing all these wonderful
>> functions that arent available in a standard embedded context which is a
>> frustrating. Other languages like python do indeed have much more useful
>> things baked directly into the language which makes them easier to use.
>> I think you should bring this up on the dev list and see what they think.
>> might be that the Global stuff can be made available which will then make
>> javascript and the<script /> tag much more powerful. Or they might
>> creating a new Ant task<rhinoshell /> or something.
>> Cheers
>> Greg
>> On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 11:44 PM, Jacob Beard<>
>>> Hi Greg,
>>> Thanks a lot for this! This does exactly what I want.
>>> I had actually just about given up, as I realized that the load function
>>> was attempting to define would have the shortcoming of essentially
>>> any local variables eval'ed within it. This mean that while dojo worked
>>> because it was declared in the global scope, RequireJS would not load
>>> because its top-level argument ("require") was declared using var.
>>> I'm mentioning this now only because it's amusing, but to work around
>>> I tried imagining a way to exit the load function to eval the string to
>>> loaded, thus allowing local variables declared within the string to be
>>> declared in the global scope; then returning from the global scope to
>>> call site of the load function. The only way I could think to do this
>>> with continuations. Converting to the continuation-passing style was not
>>> option, because passing in a callback to load would break the API.
>>> Fortunately, Rhino exposes a native Continuation. After some playing
>>> I found that this code had the desired effect:
>>> /*
>>> this file is to test a technique for creating a load function in Rhino
>>> */
>>> (function(){
>>> myLoadLocal = function(str){
>>> eval(str);
>>> }
>>> function call_with_current_continuation() {
>>> var kont = new Continuation();
>>> return kont;
>>> }
>>> var evalString = null, afterEval = null;
>>> var beforeEval = call_with_current_continuation();
>>> if(evalString){
>>> eval(evalString);
>>> evalString=null;
>>> afterEval(null);
>>> }
>>> myLoadContinuation = function(str){
>>> evalString = str;
>>> afterEval = call_with_current_continuation();
>>> if(afterEval instanceof Continuation){
>>> beforeEval(beforeEval);
>>> }else{
>>> return;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> myLoadLocal("var foo=1;");
>>> print(typeof foo); //should be undefined
>>> myLoadContinuation("var bar=2;");
>>> print(typeof bar); //should be number
>>> print(bar); //should be 2
>>> //see if it works again
>>> myLoadContinuation("var bat=3;");
>>> print(typeof bat); //should be number
>>> print(bat); //should be 3
>>> })()
>>> I think there's probably a more elegant way to use continuations to do
>>> this, but this was the first thing I got working. One caveat to this,
>>> however, is that Continuations in Rhino only work when run in
>>> mode, without optimizations (-opt -1). Otherwise it fails with the
>>> error:
>>> js: Direct call is not supported
>>> When I brought this back into the Ant script context, it failed with
>>> error as well, so it appears that this technique would not work in Ant
>>> this reason.
>>> I wonder if its worth discussing whether removing the global functions
>>> normally found in Rhino is a desirable behaviour for Ant. Other
>>> languages include facilities for importing code as part of their core
>>> (e.g. Jython's import statement), so this cannot be easily removed for
>>> but for Rhino, the load function is simply part of the global object,
>>> can be easily removed from the embedding context. But I'm not sure if
>>> is actually a good thing to do. Certainly it reduces the utility of the
>>> script context, and increases its verbosity for situations where
>>> scripts must be loaded via a module loader, such as Dojo or RequireJS.
>>> you think this is something that would be worth bringing up on the
>>> developer's list? Would it be useful to file a bug report or feature
>>> request?
>>> Let me know what you think. Thanks,
>>> Jake
>>> On 10-08-21 05:37 PM, Greg Roodt wrote:
>>>> This might work for you:
>>>> <project default="hello" name="helloworld" basedir=".">
>>>> <target name="hello">
>>>> <script language="javascript" manager="bsf">
>>>> <classpath>
>>>> <fileset dir="rhino-lib" includes="*.jar"></fileset>
>>>> </classpath><![CDATA[
>>>> importPackage(java.lang, java.util,;
>>>> System.out.println("Hello from JavaScript!!");
>>>> //create shell, execute something and grab global
>>>> var shell =;
>>>> var args = ["-e","var a='STRING';"];
>>>> shell.exec(args);
>>>> var shellGlobal =;
>>>> //grab functions from shell global and place in current global
>>>> var load=shellGlobal.load;
>>>> var print=shellGlobal.print;
>>>> var defineClass=shellGlobal.defineClass;
>>>> var deserialize=shellGlobal.deserialize;
>>>> var doctest=shellGlobal.doctest;
>>>> var gc=shellGlobal.gc;
>>>> var;
>>>> var loadClass=shellGlobal.loadClass;
>>>> var quit=shellGlobal.quit;
>>>> var readFile=shellGlobal.readFile;
>>>> var readUrl=shellGlobal.readUrl;
>>>> var runCommand=shellGlobal.runCommand;
>>>> var seal=shellGlobal.seal;
>>>> var serialize=shellGlobal.serialize;
>>>> var spawn=shellGlobal.spawn;
>>>> var sync=shellGlobal.sync;
>>>> var toint32=shellGlobal.toint32;
>>>> var version=shellGlobal.version;
>>>> var environment=shellGlobal.environment;
>>>> //test your bad self
>>>> load("test.js");
>>>> ]]></script>
>>>> </target>
>>>> </project>
>>>> test.js:
>>>> var a = function() {
>>>> print("test");
>>>> help();
>>>> var scriptContents = readFile("test.js");
>>>> print(scriptContents);
>>>> var ver = version();
>>>> print("version:"+ver);
>>>> print(this);
>>>> for(var prop in this){
>>>> print(prop);
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> a();
>>>> On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Jacob Beard<>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Greg,
>>>>> Thanks for your response. Replies below:
>>>>> On 10-08-21 01:41 PM, Greg Roodt wrote:
>>>>>> I believe load() is part of Rhino Shell. I think all that the<script
>>>>>> task runs when using JavaScript is the interpreter. It would only
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> pure Javascript standard language features (and a few bits and pieces
>>>>>> interact with Java and the execution context).
>>>>> load() is normally exposed as part of the global object when running
>>>>> Rhino,
>>>>> in the shell or the interpreter. All the js module loaders that
>>>>> Rhino that I've encountered, including RequireJS and dojo, make use of
>>>>> load() to load JavaScript modules.
>>>>> It might be easier to run the shell for each test? Like so:
>>>>>> java [options]
>>>>>> script-filename-or-url [script-arguments]
>>>>>> Or like John Resig does with env.js:
>>>>> I'm using that technique for other parts of my code, but it would be
>>>>> easier to simply hook into Ant's ResourceSet data structures for this
>>>>> part,
>>>>> as it's possible to register a number of unit tests with dojo before
>>>>> running
>>>>> them.
>>>>> Or maybe, define your own global load() function inside the<script />
>>>>>> tag?
>>>>> That's what I'm working on. This seems to work, but I still need to
>>>>> it
>>>>> with the dojo module loader:
>>>>> <script language="javascript" manager="bsf">
>>>>> <classpath>
>>>>> <fileset dir="../../../lib/java/" includes="js.jar"/>
>>>>> <fileset dir="../../../lib/build-java/"
>>>>> includes="*.jar"></fileset>
>>>>> </classpath><![CDATA[
>>>>> //define load in global scope
>>>>> function readFile(path){
>>>>> stream = new
>>>>> fc = stream.getChannel();
>>>>> bb =
>>>>> 0, fc.size());
>>>>> return
>>>>> java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset().decode(bb).toString();
>>>>> }
>>>>> load = function(path){
>>>>> eval(String(readFile(path)))
>>>>> }
>>>>> echo = helloworld.createTask("echo");
>>>>> var contents = readFile('hello.js')
>>>>> echo.setMessage(contents);
>>>>> echo.perform();
>>>>> load('hello.js')
>>>>> echo.perform();
>>>>> ]]></script>
>>>>> hello.js:
>>>>> echo.setMessage("hello world!");
>>>>> Outputs:
>>>>> hello:
>>>>> [echo] echo.setMessage("hello world!");
>>>>> [echo] hello world!
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jake
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