I think I might have found an error in the documentation. On the page
about the jar task (http://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/jar.html) it says:

     <jar destfile="build/main/checksites.jar">
        <fileset dir="build/main/classes"/>
        <zipfileset includes="**/*.class">
          <fileset dir="lib/main" includes="**/*.jar"/>
          <attribute name="Main-Class"

Creates an executable jar file with a main class
"com.acme.checksites.Main", and embeds all the classes from all the jars
in lib/main.

However if I do that, I get this error:
"only single argument resource collections are supported as archives"

My experiments have shown that this means that one may only use filesets
that contain exactly one file. Is this a mistake in the documentation or
stupidity on my part?


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