The EasyAnt project is pleased to announce its 0.8 version. Easyant is a build system, that is based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy.
Our goals are : - to leverage popularity and flexibility of Ant. - to integrate Apache Ivy, such that the build system combines a ready-to-use dependency manager. - to simplify standard build types, such as building web applications, JARs etc, by providing ready to use builds. - to provide conventions and guidelines. - to make plugging-in of fresh functionalities easy as writing simple Ant scripts as Easyant plugins. To still remain adaptable, - Though Easyant comes with a lot of conventions, we never lock you in. - Easyant allows you to easily extend existing modules or create and use your own modules. - Easyant makes migration from Ant very simple. Your legacy Ant scripts could still be leveraged with Easyant. Changelog 0.8 : Core: - Feature #132 <>: Switch to Ivy 2.2.0-rc1 - Feature #117 <>: Switch to ant 1.8.1 - Feature #136 <>: Introduce bindtarget task This tasks allow to change the mapping between target and phases. - Feature #137 <>: Introduce findclasspath task This task is designed to locate the right version of a SDK (for groovy / scala, but maybe for others SDK like android etc...). - Feature #138 <>: Introduce registerartifact task This task is in charge to register a given artifact to ivy context. In other words, this task is responsible of generating the right elements in the publicated module.ivy file. - Feature #70 <>: Introduce a menu generator task This task is used by documentation plugins (like xooki) to generate menu entries - Feature #116 <>: Introduce CheckResolver task to enforce plugin stability - Feature #124 <>: Introduce a ant task to run an easyant build process - Feature #100 <>: support for extends=info in ivy module parser - Feature #101 <>: publish merged version of Ivy descriptor when using module inheritence (<extend> tag in a module.ivy file) - Feature #119 <>: EasyAnt's launch scripts now support alternative ant distribution - Feature #122 <>: Simplify usage of project ivy settings (if exists use ivysettings.xml at the root level of the project) - Many bug fixes on core and documentation (plugin documentation now contains examples) - Simplify the build process of easyant core itself Plugins : - Feature #94 <>: Introduce package-test-jar plugin - Feature #113 <>: Introduce maven-publication plugin - Feature #127 <>: Introduce distribution plugin - Feature #115 <>: Add support for integration tests - Feature #123 <>: Support filterset in resources-std plugin - Feature #98 <>: Support for pre-module-phases in multi module - Feature #128 <>: Add a new target on skeleton plugin to choose a skeleton from a list - Feature #111 <>: implement xooki menugenerator - Feature #92 <>: eadoc plugin should use ant uptodate check to improve performance - Feature #93 <>: add resource collection support to junit plugin - Feature #109 <>: Homogenize properties referencing the main class - Several bugfixes on - skeleton - mannifest - antunit - ivy-provisionning You can have further details on EasyAnt 0.8 in the release notes<> . Issues should be reported to: Retrieve sources from the 0.8 release files at: Or download the 0.8 release files at: Online documentation is accessible at : More information can be found on the Easyant website: Regards, -- Jean Louis Boudart Independent consultant Project Lead