Tyler Kocheran wrote on 02/04/2009 02:48 PM:
OK. I'm starting to get the jist of Ivy now. Next on my dependency most
wanted list is log4j. I can't seem to get that library. Is there a way for
me to reenable the mvnrepository.com resolver?

Are there any tutorials out there for finding good resolvers on the web? It
seems the main problem with Ivy is not having all of the correct resolvers.

Well, I use these two all of the time:

    <ibiblio name="libraries" m2compatible="true" usepoms="false"/>
    <ibiblio name="jboss" root="http://repository.jboss.com/maven2";
                        m2compatible="true" usepoms="false"/>

The ibiblio resolver is the maven2 repo.

Also, the Ivy Roundup package resolver provides lots of modules for projects which do not have a repository:


Kirby Files
Software Architect
Masergy Communications

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