Tyler Kocheran wrote on 02/04/2009 02:48 PM:
OK. I'm starting to get the jist of Ivy now. Next on my dependency most
wanted list is log4j. I can't seem to get that library. Is there a way for
me to reenable the mvnrepository.com resolver?
Are there any tutorials out there for finding good resolvers on the web? It
seems the main problem with Ivy is not having all of the correct resolvers.
Well, I use these two all of the time:
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Kirby Files <kfi...@masergy.com> wrote:
Tyler Kocheran wrote on 02/04/2009 01:57 PM:
The error actually turned out to be in this line:
<dependency org="org.springframework"
name="org.springframework.spring-library" rev="2.5.6.A" />
If I change that line to something else that's a real package, like
"org.springframework.orm", it works. How do I download the entire Spring
Framework, though? If I can't figure that out, whatever, I have Ivy
working... finally :)
Good. I've used the org.springframework.core module to retrieve the main
framework before.
How do I specify an output folder for Ivy to copy the jars to, ie make it
dump 'em to my /lib folder? And do I need to set up a filesystem resolver
take advantage of caching or is that necessary?
Generally, you do that with the ivy:retrieve task like so:
<target name="retrieve" depends="resolve" description="--> retrieve jars
to /lib">
<ivy:retrieve haltonfailure="true" conf="build" sync="true"/>
It will, by default, install to ${basedir}/lib, but you can override this
by changing the ivy.lib.dir property, or setting:
on the above retrieve task.