Tyler Kocheran wrote on 02/04/2009 01:57 PM:
The error actually turned out to be in this line:
<dependency org="org.springframework"
name="org.springframework.spring-library" rev="2.5.6.A" />
If I change that line to something else that's a real package, like
"org.springframework.orm", it works. How do I download the entire Spring
Framework, though? If I can't figure that out, whatever, I have Ivy
working... finally :)
Good. I've used the org.springframework.core module to retrieve the
main framework before.
How do I specify an output folder for Ivy to copy the jars to, ie make it
dump 'em to my /lib folder? And do I need to set up a filesystem resolver to
take advantage of caching or is that necessary?
Generally, you do that with the ivy:retrieve task like so:
<target name="retrieve" depends="resolve" description="-->
retrieve jars to /lib">
<ivy:retrieve haltonfailure="true" conf="build" sync="true"/>
It will, by default, install to ${basedir}/lib, but you can override
this by changing the ivy.lib.dir property, or setting:
on the above retrieve task.