i'm trying to use sshexec with a keyfile. i generated a key on the remote 
server using the ssh-keygen -t dsa. this gave me a ~/.ssh/id_dsa and 
~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub. i pulled the id_dsa.pub file to the remote machine from 
where i want to run the sshexec task. i put the file into the 

<property name="remote.host" value="remoteserver" />
<property name="remote.user" value="username" />
<property name="remote.key" value="id_dsa.pub" />

<sshexec host="${remote.host}" username="${remote.user}" keyfile="${
remote.key}" passphrase="" command="ls -lt"/>

and ant fails with the following message:

buildfile: D:\dev\workspace\autodeploy\build.xml
[esshexec] Identity: java.io.FileNotFoundException: id_dsa (The system 
cannot find the file specified)

D:\dev\workspace\autodeploy\build.xml:687: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: 
java.io.FileNotFoundException: id_dsa (The system cannot find the file 

Total time: 1 second

any ideas would be most appreciated.

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