so then on the local server (the one trying to run the sshexec task),i need 
to have the private key from the remoteserver? i've pulled from the 
remoteserver the ~/.ssh/id_dsa (the private key). and also placed it into 
the same folder as the build script that is running the sshexec task. it's 
still unable to find the key.

localmachine (trying to connect to remotemaching using a key):

remotemachine (where the key was generated):

On 8/19/05, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Lybarger wrote:
> > i'm trying to use sshexec with a keyfile. i generated a key on the 
> remote
> > server using the ssh-keygen -t dsa. this gave me a ~/.ssh/id_dsa and
> > ~/.ssh/ i pulled the file to the remote machine 
> from
> > where i want to run the sshexec task. i put the file into the
> > D:\dev\workspace\autodeploy\build.xml:687: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException
> :
> > id_dsa (The system cannot find the file
> > specified)
> >
> you need to set the remote key to the location of the private key you
> use for a connection. you cannot make a connection with the public key;
> you cannot assume that <scp> will know to look into ~/.ssh, because it
> doesnt
> <property name="remote.key" value="" />
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