
one way to do this is to use error and output
attributes of <cvs> task (quote from [1]):
output - the file to direct standard output from the
(cvs) command.
error - the file to direct standard error from the
(cvs) command

So you can store the error in a text file, than load
that file as a property and check whether it
<condition>[2] whether contains a given error message.

Here is the pseudo code:
<cvs command="checkout"
cvsRoot=":pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic"
<loadfile property="cvs.error.msg"

<condition property="cvs.error">
  <contains string="${cvs.error.msg}"

The problem in this approach is that you should find
all possible cvs_error_msg_that_might_be_returned.

Well, you can also do the following: if the error file
is created, then obviously there is an error while
checking the module out. Instead of trying to find the
exact error, mail the whole error file :)


--- Rizwan Merchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using ant to checkout code from the CVS. If the
> checkout is not
> successful I would like to send an email to someone
> to notify them of the
> problem.
> How do I detect this error in ant? Say the password
> on the cvs account is
> wrong, cvs notifies of bad login and then the ant
> continues executing with a
> "build successful" result (i.e. cvs exits normally).
> Any ideas? Pls help.
> Thanks,
> -Rizwan.
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