> On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:35:38PM +0100, Jan Wolff wrote:
>> Could the entropy in /dev/random be exhausted because Anthony drains
>> more
>> entropy than is produced?
> That's what I'm thinking.  The UML /dev/hw_random is attached to the
> host's /dev/random.  If you have rng-utils installed in the UML, it
> will feed /dev/random from hw_random (once my patch is applied).  At
> that point, you should be limited by the host's entropy.
> And I have seen my host have trouble accumulating entropy.  It was my
> laptop - logged in remotely so there weren't keypresses and mouse
> movements, but there was disk and network traffic.  It was having
> trouble getting enough entropy to make sshd happy.

Then it would be mere coincidence that this started with the instance
kernel upgrades (I had never encountered it previously). However, it does
seem like the simplest explanation.

Would it matter that one of the most recent instances (www) is running the
rng-utils and the other (dns2) is not?


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