Hi Jeff, hi Anthony, hi everybody!

Just a thought...

Could the entropy in /dev/random be exhausted because Anthony drains 
more entropy than is produced?

As far as I know, entropy production rate depends on attached hardware 
and even might become zero, but I don't know if normal usage of sshd, 
apache+ssl, and dm-crypt could drain the entropy that is produced.

Once, I set up a small box without harddrive, cdrom, keyboard, and mouse 
that had no entropy at all. Openssh crashed on startup until /dev/random 
was a symlink to /dev/urandom.


Anthony Brock wrote:
> Hmmm, I would guess that the random patch is helping a little as I have only
> had two recurrences since installing new kernel:
> Feb 27 11:35:09 dns2 sshd[1152]: fatal: Couldn't obtain random bytes (error
> 604389476)
> Feb 27 14:29:16 www sshd[3060]: fatal: Couldn't obtain random bytes (error
> 604389476)
> A significant improvement over the 2-3 pages a day I was receiving before.
> Of course, this could just be the result of a change in the pattern of
> Internet traffic against the server. Thoughts?
> Tony
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