> On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 08:45:24PM -0800, Anthony Brock wrote:
>> It has obviously been too long since I developed any software. I worked
>> past this issue with the '-l' flag to patch and it is currently
>> compiling.
>> I will start testing the new kernel shortly.
> Don't build it if it didn't patch cleanly.  That patch goes in cleanly to
> -rc2-mm1 here, so if it didn't for you, something is still wrong.

The '-l' flag to patch causes it to ignore differences in white-space. Is
this important for this patch? If not, then the failures are just an
artifact of my copy-paste from the email you sent.

Please let me know if the white-space in this patch is critical.

On another note, this test did give me the opportunity to capture a bug
I've encountered periodically with UML for several months where the kernel
crashes during system boot. It happened again this morning while booting
one of the instances with the new kernel and I was fortunate enough to be
capturing a log of the output. You can view it here:


Of course, this is a fairly long-standing issue and appears to be
unrelated to changes in the new kernel. The work-around is to simply
restart the instance as this happens about 1 out of every 10 boot
attempts. I suspect that it may also be caused by the age of my host
kernel (


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