Hi Jeff,

> The host needs to know that 192.168.213.x is routed
>  through tap0 (or whatever).

The  host cannot know about 192.168.213.x in this case, I want the UML
to be able to set it's IP to _any_ network without the host's config
being changed.   I don't want the user to even know the host is there,
but he should be able to set the UML to whatever network he is on.

Apologies if I misunderstood your email?


>On 2/21/08, Jeff Dike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Of course.  It's just a matter of setting up routing correctly.  The
>  UML needs to know about routing through 192.168.210.x to get to the
>  outside world.  The host needs to know that 192.168.213.x is routed
>  through tap0 (or whatever).  The tricky part, depending on how
>  accessible you want the UML to be to connection from the outside, may
>  be that the rest of your network needs to know that 192.168.213.x is
>  routed through the host.  This requires some proxy arp on the host,
>  which is easy if it's just the one IP.  I'm not sure about proxy
>  arping a whole network, but I bet it's possible.
>                                 Jeff
>  --
>  Work email - jdike at linux dot intel dot com

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