On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 02:34:46PM +0200, Pieter Steyn wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I need to be able to configure my UML instance's network to any subnet
> I want, and have it route through the host machines network card.
> IE.  The host has a ip address on eth0, but I'd like to
> be able to have for example: as an IP address for the
> UML, even though the host is not configured with such a subnet.
> Is this possible?

Of course.  It's just a matter of setting up routing correctly.  The
UML needs to know about routing through 192.168.210.x to get to the
outside world.  The host needs to know that 192.168.213.x is routed
through tap0 (or whatever).  The tricky part, depending on how
accessible you want the UML to be to connection from the outside, may
be that the rest of your network needs to know that 192.168.213.x is
routed through the host.  This requires some proxy arp on the host,
which is easy if it's just the one IP.  I'm not sure about proxy
arping a whole network, but I bet it's possible.


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