
Yes of course that would work, but moving the animated GIF around on top of a 
video? Player

FYI: your tiger has this white rectangular border that flashes on each cycle 
through the frames. I turned off the border width and the 3D etc in the 
inspector, but it did not go away. Perhaps one of the GIF frames has a border?

Otherwise the outer glow on top of the grass is very effective.

Indeed looking around the web: animated GIF is still very much alive and well. 
And here I thought it was a fading, “retro” format… but people are even making 
little animated GIFS from movies.

So the answer to the artists team is “assets must be animated GIF.”

This will be a challenge for some, depending on their skill set and tool box.

Midnight-Rises graphic novel game trailer is also interesting in that it has 
*zero* moving images…  but the parallax effect was used in some scenes to great 
effect… the simple use of having 2D images with transparency slide onto the 
scene from left or right worked well too.

On January 4, 2016 at 10:38:21 AM, Richmond 
(<>) wrote:

> You could have an animated GIF that moved around in top of a
> background . . .
> Richmond.

Here's a proof-of-concept stack:

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