I also am concerned with the organization of large script libraries. 

I like the idea of putting libraries into buttons, then copying them into the 
front script at startup. When you say there is a limit of some number of 
scripts, what counts for a "script"? Is a single script counted as all the 
handlers contained within a single button?


William Prothero

> On Feb 13, 2014, at 6:50 AM, Richard Gaskin <ambassa...@fourthworld.com> 
> wrote:
> Paul Dupuis wrote:
>> You can have more Library stacks loaded (via start using) than you can
>> insert back scripts or front scripts. The numbers used to be 50 library
>> stacks and 15 front and 15 back scripts. I am not sure if that has
>> changed with recent releases.
> It seems that it has.
> I'd been meaning to test this since the first FOSS release with v6.0, and 
> Ender's post prompted me to take a minute to check it out.
> In my test stack I was able to insert 16 scripts into the frontScripts, 
> bringing a standalone's total to 20 frontScripts (the other four are inserted 
> by the LC IDE at build time), and the scriptLimits show as "0,0,0" for both 
> Community and Commercial editions.
> We would expect the scriptLimits to be 0,0,0 for the Community edition, since 
> of course such a limit makes no sense with the GPL license.
> And given that the goal of the Commercial edition is that it's the same as 
> the Community edition with the exception of being able to also encrypt 
> scripts, it makes reasonable sense that the scriptLimits would be 0,0,0 there 
> as well.
> However, the Dictionary entry for scriptLimits doesn't flag it as deprecated, 
> and still notes the older limits that used to be enforced in standalones.  
> The most recent change noted in that Dictionary entry is v2.5.
> So I filed a report against it, and will look forward to the team's 
> clarification as to whether this is a functionality bug or a documentation 
> bug:
> <http://quality.runrev.com/show_bug.cgi?id=11797>
> I hope it's the latter, since with the LC IDE's insistence on adding so many 
> of its own frontScript and backScripts, we're left with too few available 
> slots for some complex apps that could make good use of them.
> --
> Richard Gaskin
> Fourth World
> LiveCode training and consulting: http://www.fourthworld.com
> Webzine for LiveCode developers: http://www.LiveCodeJournal.com
> Follow me on Twitter:  http://twitter.com/FourthWorldSys
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