Hi Ender,

Stacks in use receive messages at stack level, not at card level.

Use a button for each part of your library and use backscripts and frontscripts.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 13 feb 2014, at 12:13, Ender Nafi Elekcioglu wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a library stack which consists all my common functions and commands.
> Calculations, text manipulation, getting device info, update procedures, etc.
> Stack’s script is close 5000+ line of code.
> I wanted to organize it and put related handlers into the script of 
> respective cards.
> But it didn’t work, calling a function from my mainstack’s cards throws an 
> error.
> I know that I can dispatch a function but it’s not effective.
> Here is an example:
> _main stack
> ___card 1
> ___card 2
> ___…
> __library stack
> ___card 1
> ___card 2
> ___…
> Script of card 1 of library stack:
> function calcSum pX, pY
>    return pX + pY
> end function
> Script of card 2 of main stack:
> on answerSum
>    answer calcSum(3, 5)
> end answerSum
> Is this possible?
> Can I distribute my handlers onto different cards of the library stack
> and still call them directly?
> Thanks,
> ~ Ender

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