Paul Dupuis wrote:

You can have more Library stacks loaded (via start using) than you can
insert back scripts or front scripts. The numbers used to be 50 library
stacks and 15 front and 15 back scripts. I am not sure if that has
changed with recent releases.

It seems that it has.

I'd been meaning to test this since the first FOSS release with v6.0, and Ender's post prompted me to take a minute to check it out.

In my test stack I was able to insert 16 scripts into the frontScripts, bringing a standalone's total to 20 frontScripts (the other four are inserted by the LC IDE at build time), and the scriptLimits show as "0,0,0" for both Community and Commercial editions.

We would expect the scriptLimits to be 0,0,0 for the Community edition, since of course such a limit makes no sense with the GPL license.

And given that the goal of the Commercial edition is that it's the same as the Community edition with the exception of being able to also encrypt scripts, it makes reasonable sense that the scriptLimits would be 0,0,0 there as well.

However, the Dictionary entry for scriptLimits doesn't flag it as deprecated, and still notes the older limits that used to be enforced in standalones. The most recent change noted in that Dictionary entry is v2.5.

So I filed a report against it, and will look forward to the team's clarification as to whether this is a functionality bug or a documentation bug:


I hope it's the latter, since with the LC IDE's insistence on adding so many of its own frontScript and backScripts, we're left with too few available slots for some complex apps that could make good use of them.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
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