
I'm sure you'll eventually take advantage of all that LC comes to offer, and 
they love you for your outside the box thinking and doing; but you're far more 
imaginative than the average "potential" LC user.

Frankly, I'd love to be in your boots. (smile)

Joe Wilkins

On Oct 17, 2011, at 4:25 PM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

> Hi Joe,
> Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
>> When I first got involved with Revolution I had hoped
>> that it would just be an up-todate HC; but, alas, it
>> began to get too complicated for the average hobbyist,
>> so many of the HC users just never came aboard.
>> I don't blame them. I was very close to being one
>> who didn't myself. Over the years I have done some
>> pretty remarkable things with HC. I really neither needed
>> nor wanted the extensions that eventually became LiveCode.
>> I believe that a totally bug-free Revolution 1.x could have
>> become a major hit with all of the educators, and wouldn't
>> have had to be so costly. Do I hear a few Amens? 
> Strangely enough, I still believe that it is possible to create
> amazing interactive stacks in this platform, with a clever use
> of the commands show, hide, visual effects and go to card.
> After all, we could use only what we need.
> There are many great features of this platform that I never
> have explored, but it's good to know that they are available,
> if I ever need them. Hopefully, a new text field control and
> a zoom property for groups will appear in a near future.
> Al

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