
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I vaguely recall having read/studied 
something re "Turtle-Graphics" many years ago, so maybe it is time for  
refresher - even for us old students. (Smile)

Though I've not commented on any of your many contributions to the list, rest 
assured that I am as beholden to you as those who have. My needs are just more 

Enjoy your fine weather this time of the year.

Joe Wilkins

On Oct 17, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

> Great work, Jim! :-D
> After running these demos, finally I understand how
> useful could be for young minds, to use and learn
> Turtle Graphics.
> I downloaded your book from:
> and noticed that when I open the file
> in Open Office or WordPad, some characters are
> replaced by the question mark:
> 3. Functions: direction(?,?) and distance(?,?).
> By any chance, Did you write this document in
> a Macintosh and character conversion is changing
> the original text?
> If possible, I would like that you point me to some
> studies that details the learning experience (for teachers
> and students) of using Turtle Graphics in the classroom.
> Thanks again for sharing your groundbreaking work!
> Al

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