Curry, The issue here is that MS Word controls how that clipboard data is transferred. As an example
Open the taskmanager In Word, copy an image into the clipboard In LC message box type lock the clipboard; put the keys of the rawclipboarddata Returns something like: Art::GVML ClipFormat PNG GIF CF_ENHMETAFILE CF_METAFILEPICT CF_BITMAP JFIF Object Descriptor image/svg+xml In LC message box, type lock the clipboard; put the rawclipboarddata["Art::GVML ClipFormat"] LC Locks up Then switch to TaskManager and see that MSWord has sprung into life. At this stage it is trying it's best to transfer that data into LC, but probably can't work out how, so they end up in a loop of errors. If you type into the messagebox: lock the clipboard; put the rawclipboarddata["CF_BITMAP"] or any other CF_, it crashes out of LC altogether. Copy the image from MSWord, paste into MSPaint and immediately copy into the clipboard again. Now in LC MsgBx type: lock the clipboard; put the keys of the rawclipboarddata Returns something like: Embed Source Object Descriptor CF_METAFILEPICT CF_DIB Now: lock the clipboard; put the rawclipboarddata["CF_DIB"] and you get the raw data of the image. You cannot do this directly from MSWord clipboard data. There might be a way to achieve it using a 'do as javascript' and following guides listed here: All the best Sean On Tue, 16 Mar 2021 at 15:40, Curry Kenworthy via use-livecode <> wrote: > > LC Bugathon continues.... > > Recently I ran into this bug, which Trevor already reported: > > "Unable to paste images copied from Microsoft Word on Windows" > > > Copying an image directly (not inline with text) fails. > The clipboarddata contains nulls, in testing so far. > Just tested on 9.6.2 RC 3. > > Any known script workaround? > > (A user behavior workaround, ie copying inline, is not very acceptable.) > > Best wishes, > > Curry Kenworthy > > Custom Software Development > "Better Methods, Better Results" > LiveCode Training and Consulting > > > _______________________________________________ > use-livecode mailing list > > Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your > subscription preferences: > > _______________________________________________ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences: