On 23 November 2011 09:45, Jon Reynolds <maill...@jcrdevelopments.com> wrote:
> Do you make a point of bottom posting regardless of the recipient's style?
> Or do you just stay 'bothered' inside but think 'what's the point' and
> just top-post?

Bottom posting only makes sense when people cut the quoted text. If
people are going to always leave the full original post, then top
posting is better, IMHO.

On a mailing list such as this, if I need to look back, the full
thread is available. Here, bottom posting is better. At work, my boss
may have a long back and forth with a supplier, and then suddenly
include me with a 'What do you think?' type message. In that
situation, I am glad that they have top posted, including all the old
messages, as I can then look back and see what has already been
covered by all parties.

Horses for courses.

Philip Stubbs


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