
I've been working on the lines as to how to help out in a local way. 


I did this clumsy flyer and was thinking of posting it on post office,
bakers,tescos, etc.

I deliberately did not mention operating system, ubuntu, windows or any
other software. The idea is that I can help out in what I can but I can
be a lot more helpful if they let me show them open source alternatives:
be it libre office, ubuntu, gramps, ... screen shots shown are programs
that might be recognizable for users of other platforms: writer,
spreadsheet, gant, ancestry, ...   

I'm open to suggestions but I just want to get it out the door.

By the way. How cool is inkscape combined with open clip art?

Andrés envió esto desde su netbook con UBUNTU: sistema operativo
gratuito, abierto y casi libre. ¡Pruebalo! http://www.ubuntu-es.org/
Por favor, no imprimas este correo.

El Fri, 24-06-2011 a las 14:51 +0000, Andy Smith escribió:
> Hello,
> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 03:26:43PM +0100, Laura Czajkowski wrote:
> > I also for non techy meet ups, bit of fun and getting to know the folks
> > on the List/IRC the Ubuntu UK community! Be it a pub, Geeknic, Bowling
> > or outing of some sort.
> I think this is a good idea also.
> Cheers,
> Andy


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