On 24/06/11 13:51, gazz wrote:

I do think that people need face-to-face help and the LUG format doesn't
work for most non-techies - and especially for women. Anxiety about who
they'll turn to if it goes wrong is a big barrier for most people when
thinking about adopting Ubuntu. We've been working on developing models
that provide this for 'human beings' ;) I do think that creating 'buzz'
at local levels is the best way to get Ubuntu out there on a shoestring.

I'd agree with this. A friend of mine came to a LUG meeting a couple of months back, his poor girlfriend was bored to years by all the geek talk.

I guess a non-geeky meeting maybe where folks could show things that they'd be interested in would be good. I'm trying to think of it from a non-geek perspective, such as a coffee morning type thing where you can maybe share tips etc. I guess I'd have to speak to some non-geeks and get their opinions as I could be really wrong :-)



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