On 07/07/2010 11:51, John Stevenson wrote:

> Hello Gordon,
> Does the flash drive have newer packages on it after an update, assuming
> the drive is persistent or Ubuntu was installed to the flash drive?

No - it's just the remix ISO mounted on the flash drive using netbootin.


> Unless you have a beta or release candidate on the Live CD then they
> should be the same, unless you or the system added something to the
> flash drive.
> You can run either the normal desktop or the remix desktop from the
> flash drive as follows (no need for the slow Live CD):
> When you are at the login screen, you can select the desktop layout by
> selecting your login name and using the session drop-down menu to select
> from:
> Gnome - normal ubuntu desktop
> Remix - ubuntu remix desktop
> Remix 2d - lighter 2d remix desktop

I'm now confused (slightly!). When I boot direct from the flash drive I 
don't GET a Username. Do I have to log out after booting from the flash 
drive and then select the desktop?


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