On 7 July 2010 10:25, Gordon <gbpli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have Remix 10.04 on a flash drive and Desktop 10.04 on a CD.
> If I start the Live CD on my Tosh Satellite, it tells me that the
> Wireless device is "not ready" and I can't connect.
> If I run the Remix from the flash drive on the same machine it finds the
> Wireless adapter and I can connect.
> Aren't the two just the same OS with a different GUI?
> If so, why the difference?
Hello Gordon,
Does the flash drive have newer packages on it after an update, assuming the
drive is persistent or Ubuntu was installed to the flash drive?

Unless you have a beta or release candidate on the Live CD then they should
be the same, unless you or the system added something to the flash drive.

You can run either the normal desktop or the remix desktop from the flash
drive as follows (no need for the slow Live CD):

When you are at the login screen, you can select the desktop layout by
selecting your login name and using the session drop-down menu to select

Gnome - normal ubuntu desktop
Remix - ubuntu remix desktop
Remix 2d - lighter 2d remix desktop

The names above may be slightly different as I listed them from memory.

If you select Gnome and you still have wireless issues, then you should
raise a bug on launchpad as something very strange is going on.

Hope this helps.

John Stevenson
Lean Agile Consultant / Coach
jr0cket.com  |  leanagilemachine.com

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