On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 00:19 +0100, Pallottini Aymeric
<paillom...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello Rowan, In GParted  when creating the partition just make sure
> that you select linux-swap in the "format to" field. Once you have
> your new swap partition created you will need to update 2 files with
> the new volume UUID. You can get the new UUID by right clicking on
> your new swap partition in GParted and selecting information. The 2
> files to modify are:
>  /etc/fstab (change UUID on the line related to the swap volume)
> /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume
> Once you are done you need to run the following command in the
> terminal:
> sudo dpkg-reconfigure  initramfs-tools
> That command will enable hibernation on the new swap partition.
> Aymeric

Nice. I am writing all this down on old-fashioned sheets of paper, for
careful pondering. Thanks a lot.


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