Andy Smith wrote:
> Hello,
> On Wed, Nov 04, 2009 at 01:39:31PM +0000, Dave Walker wrote:
>> This was my opinion, until recently when I was advised that non-LTS
>> Ubuntu Server should be considered a "technology preview", for the next
>> LTS release.  This was quite a surprise to myself.
> On a related note, can someone tell me officially what defines an
> install of Ubuntu Server?  I ask because this page:
> says that 8.04 LTS has an EOL date in 2011 for desktop or 2013 for
> server.
> Assuming I installed it from debootstrap or similar pointing at
> hardy repositories, does that make it a server?
> Cheers,
> Andy
I'm guessing that things like Firefox, Xorg and other such things that 
you generally wouldn't have on a server would be supported until 2011, 
whereas I guess things like bind, openssh-server, samba, mysql and 
things that you would generally find on a server would be supported 
until 2013.

Could be wrong though.



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