After examining the ADSL24 site more closely, I will pass on switching 
to them as they appear to be just another Entanet reseller.

Anyone else got any good suggestions for a good broadband ISP that 
offers up to 24 Mbit/s, no LLU, not Entanet, TalkTalk-related or Virgin?

David King

David King wrote:
> I also use UKFSN for my broadband ISP, and lately the service has been 
> rubbish. I am getting much slower speeds, sometimes down to less than 
> 1 Mbit/s. And the technical support is currently non-existent. I think 
> it is a one-man show, who means well, wanting to support free open 
> source software, but he obviously does not have the manpower to deal 
> with queries and EntaNet are badly letting down the customers, for 
> which UKFSN is a reseller.
> I have always heard many bad things about Tiscali, Pipex, and 
> TalkTalk. Now they are all part of the same ISP, I will avoid them 
> like the plague. I also hear that Virgin is very bad too, although if 
> you can get cable and it works, and you do not have to deal with their 
> helplines, it might be okay, but after many bad experiences with NTL 
> in the past I will never go with them again, even though they are now 
> rebranded as Virgin Media.
> I had a look at the website, and according to 
> that, I can get up to 24 Mbit/s where I live. Although their site 
> suggests I would only get 3.2 Mbit/s, which is rather poor, 
> considering I am only 2 km from the exchange. Maybe the routing of the 
> BT cables is so not straight that it is a lot more than 2 km along the 
> wires? I measured the distance on Google Earth, it was less than 2 km 
> in a straight line, so about 2 km along the main roads. Elsewhere I 
> read that at 2 km I should get 15 Mbit/s.
> I was considering BE but I do not like 12-month contracts, and their 
> site does not give any details that I could find about cancelling. But 
> they do allow for unlimited bandwidth, which is helpful when 
> downloading updates to Ubuntu or various distro ISO files to try out, 
> as well as the various free movies on 
> or free music from 
> ADSL24 have more limited bandwidth, the same as UKFSN currently offers 
> (£18.90 for 30 GB peak, unlimited at weekends and 00:00-08:00).
> As for hosting, I use 1&1 Internet Ltd. 
> <>
> They have been very good for hosting overall, and I can have as many 
> domain names there as I like (all paid for of course), so it's good 
> for hosting multiple sites in one hosting space. I once had a problem 
> with using FTP, they password they supplied contained a / character, 
> and the FTP worked fine in Windows, but when I switched to using Linux 
> it would not work, until I changed the password to something without 
> any unusual characters in.
> David King
> John Levin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking for reccomendations for broadband suppliers and hosting.
>> First off, I'm getting rid of Entanet (via UKFSN) as they've seen fit to 
>> more than double their charges! (Getting ready for long phone session to 
>> customer services today) Don't have cable, so looking for a 
>> geek-friendly adsl service.
>> Secondly, I'm looking for a second hosting service. I use evohosting
>> and am very happy with them, but in case of failure want to have (and to 
>> be able to reccomend to others) a secondary web/email system. Plus I'd 
>> like ubuntu-based servers, just for fun. Any suggestions?
>> TIA
>> John


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