2008/11/16 Louis Gidney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> [snip]
>> The pgp is Pretty Good Privacy, it's a way of
>> encrypting stuff,
> I don't need to encrypt anything because there is
> nothing confidential on my computer, and I am the
> only user.  If it's causing trouble, is it possible
> to remove it?

Hi Lou,

(this is off-topic and won't actually help solve your installation problem.)

It's actually gpg (GNU Privacy Guard), which is an open, free
implementation of PGP.

You do need it, since it's also used to check that the files you
download from the internet are genuine, and haven't been hacked to
include a nasty trojan that will send your credit card details to
China. With the system of worldwide mirrors used to ease congestion
and speed up downloads, this becomes especially important.

gpg and pgp can do two things:
1. stop others reading something you intend for a single recipient,
2. let anyone know that something you have written has not been changed.

Hope this helps.



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