On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 9:46 PM, Tony Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kris Douglas wrote:
>> [...]
>>> People have already pointed out that the most likely problem is that you
>>> are using a crossover cable where you should be using a straight-through
>>> cable, but you appear to have ignored them, or not bothered to read
>>> their replies thoroughly. I expect I could start quoting nursery rhymes
>>> such as humpty dumpy sat on a wall humpty dumpty had a great fall and
>>> you wouldn't notice because you aren't paying attention to people's
>>> replies to your questions.
>> I entirely agree, Andy.
>>> An ethernet controller rated for 10Mb/s would therefore produce a
>>> maximum throughput of (10000/8) = 1250kB/s = 1.25MB/s . Even if you only
>>> got half that, say 625kB/s, this still vastly exceeds your 47.7kB/s.
> Hey, that's a bit harsh!
> It's not simply eight bits per byte for ethernet packets, it's more
> complicated than that and you're not taking into account collisions.
> Ethernet is a broadcast medium and at more than 60% utilisation of the
> available bandwidth an ethernet network is considered to be saturated.
> However, you're quite right that this is a lot less than 47.7kB/s...
>        Tony.
> --
> Dr. A.J.Travis,                     |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Rowett Research Institute,          |    http://www.rri.sari.ac.uk/~ajt
> Greenburn Road, Bucksburn,          |   phone:+44 (0)1224 712751
> Aberdeen AB21 9SB, Scotland, UK.    |     fax:+44 (0)1224 716687
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.ubuntu.org/UKTeam/

Sorry, Im not in the soundest of moods today, im going to leave for a bit...

Kris Douglas
 Softdel Limited Hosting Services
 Web: www.softdel.net

Company No. 6135915
Registered in England


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