Sean Miller wrote:
>> Mark Harrison wrote:
>>> I agree. I've used it when the "total cost of an adaptor" included such 
>>> externalities as "making eight paying customers sit around and wait half 
>>> an hour for the presentation to start while I nip out to B&Q" :-)
> Didn't one of the paying customers jump up and say "excuse me, but under 
> the Corporate Health & Safety Guidelines you can't do that, sir!" ?!?!
> I thought in this day and age every single piece of electrical equipment 
> had to be checked, double checked and triple checked to ensure that 
> nothing could go wrong... amazed that you could manage to get away with 
> sticking a penknife in a socket...
To add to the irony, the company where I ended up doing this most was a 
Home Automation company, and the customers were typically electricians :-)

To be fair, this had the advantage that they understood the issues!



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