luxxius wrote:
> Rob Beard wrote:
> <snip>
>> I wouldn't be able to put up with the US keyboard though.
> Ah!  Hadn't thought of that - yes, it would be a pain.  Oh well, back to 
> waiting for Dell to get its European act together.  :-(

Of course there isn't anything stopping you buying a standard Dell 
notebook and just getting shot of Windows.

I'm amazed how cheap they're getting.  I spec'd up a dual core Athlon 64 
desktop with 19" TFT monitor for about £275 inc VAT & delivery (the 
delivery was the killer at £60!!!).

Personally I wouldn't buy a Dell after the problems we've had at work 
with the Optiplex GX270, GX280, GX620 and now GX745 desktops (blown 
capacitors on the 270's, duff PSU's on the rest of em), plus my work 
laptop has had a replacement wireless card after it stopped working 
after a year.

I do think it's good what Dell are doing though.  Just hope it filters 
through to other companies and countries.



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