Natanael Olaiz wrote:

> El 11/11/2009 08:32 PM, Derek Broughton escribió:
>> Natanael Olaiz wrote:
>>> Another thing: many shortcuts doesn't work anymore. Even configuring
>>> them by hand!! For instance: screenshots, knotes, etc...
>> "knotes"?  So you're presumably using Kubuntu: most of those shortcuts
>> got broken with the upgrade to KDE4 - LONG before 9.10.
> Yes, I wrote I installed Kubuntu. And yes, I was using Hardy with KDE 3.5.
> But even setting the shortcuts from the KDE settings control doesn't
> work:
> This also happened in previous versions of Kubuntu with KDE 4?

Shortcuts, particularly in embedded kparts, have been a pain in the butt 
with every release that included KDE 4.  Welcome to KDE4.

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