On Thu, 2009-02-05 at 22:20 +0100, Surfaz Gemon Meme wrote:
> 2009/2/5 Mackenzie Morgan <maco...@gmail.com>:
> > There are different values of "know."  They might know enough English to
> > file a bug saying "Firefox crashed" but then the logs they post will be
> > in, for example, Croatian.  Most triagers don't speak Croatian, so we
> > can't read the logs.  And the reporter might not know enough English to
> > translate all of the tech jargon in the logs, besides the amount of time
> > it'd take.  At least the icons on the buttons can help when they use an
> > English version to gather English logs.
> >
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but if a French user of Ubuntu who has also
> installed the English support has a problem with firefox. Firefox logs
> will be in French, no?
> Although  the Ubuntu user has installed English translations, he use
> French as the default language because it was that he chose when he
> installed Ubuntu.

But that option to re-run with "LANG=en_US firefox" and reproduce the
bug to get English logs is gone if the English language pack isn't
installed at all.

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo

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