On Thu, 2009-02-05 at 22:50 +0100, Surfaz Gemon Meme wrote:
> 2009/2/5 Mackenzie Morgan <maco...@gmail.com>:
> >> Although  the Ubuntu user has installed English translations, he use
> >> French as the default language because it was that he chose when he
> >> installed Ubuntu.
> >
> > But that option to re-run with "LANG=en_US firefox" and reproduce the
> > bug to get English logs is gone if the English language pack isn't
> > installed at all.
> And.. again, correct me if I'm wrong...
> Ubuntu is "Linux for Human Beings", non? Well, a Ubuntu user usually
> does not know to handle a terminal, and therefore has no knowledge of
> that function.

Some of us do use the terminal, and we're usually the ones triaging.
Triaging *very* often involves telling people exactly what to type into
the terminal to get the needed info.  It's not as if we can't just tell
them "run it like this so we can get logs we understand."

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo

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