On 1/1/07, Alec Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok. Here's the situation. When you install Ubuntu, you might (like me)
not want Firefox, and prefer Epiphany instead. You might prefer mozilla
thunderbird over evolution, or BMPX over Rhythmbox. If you are one of
these people, you probably get rather annoyed that you have to keep
Firefox, Evolution and/or Rhythmbox, or remove ubuntu-desktop, hence not
receiving any updates to the desktop metapackage.

Standalone Epiphany isn't possible yet in Ubuntu. I think it's fixed on
using Firefox even if Debian implemented the use of xulrunner already. The
Ubuntu changelogs says they don't do xulrunner, only firefox.

I guess the inclusion of Firefox is a market strategy, because alot of
people knows firefox, I think it's one of the reason they are drawn to

But being an open source sympathetic person, I prefer Epiphany, because the
more people are using it, the more it will be known and be developed, and
somehow it will be much better than firefox, and will gain acceptance.

Here's the idea. The ubuntu-desktop metapacakge should allow different
options for the dependencies such as mozilla-firefox OR epiphany-browser
OR iceweasel, evolution OR mozill-thunderbird, rhythmbox OR bmpx etc

Metapackages is an important concept in the management of a distribution.
There should be a greater discussion about the use of it. For example, in
the area of settings management and delta patches, instead of editing the
xorg.conf to make use of the best settings for ATI, just install a
metapackage to automatically set it up for you.


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