Dear all, How are you? We are writing to you from BCAM on the occasion of the launch of the Workshop "*The Mathematics of Machine Learning*” <> to be held at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM, Bilbao, from *25 to 28 October 2022*.
The event will feature tutorial-style talks that will be accessible to researchers working on the topic and those working in other fields of mathematics. The list of confirmed speakers is made up of some twenty researchers in machine learning and includes many internationally renowned experts in the field (see the preliminary programme at this link). Among other renowned researchers, the workshop is honoured to have the participation of Professors Yoav Freund and Peter Grünwald. We would like to count on your help to spread the event in your networks if you see fit. Below you will find links to the event and BCAM websites as well as to our publications on Twitter and LinkedIn. - Web Workshop The Mathematics of Machine Learning link <> - Twitter post link <> - LinkedIn post link <> - BCAM News post link <> in English. Thank you very much in advance, Regards, *BCAM Communication* *BCAM - * Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Alameda de Mazarredo, 14 E-48009 Bilbao, Basque Country - Spain Tel. +34 946 567 842 *(* *matematika mugaz bestalde) * <> <> <> <>
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