Hi all,

I would like to share the Call for Paper for our (in-person) workshop on 
Robustness in Sequence Modeling (RobustSeq) at NeurIPS 2022!

website: https://robustseq2022.github.io<https://robustseq2022.github.io/>
Email: robustseq2...@gmail.com<mailto:robustseq2...@gmail.com>

Important Dates

  *   Submission Deadline: September 22nd, 2022 Anywhere on Earth (AoE)

Acceptance Notifications: October 22nd, 2022
  *   Workshop event: December 2nd, 2022, In-person in New Orleans, LA, USA.


As machine learning models find increasing use in the real world, ensuring 
their safe and reliable deployment depends on ensuring their robustness to 
distribution shift. This is especially true for sequential data, which occurs 
naturally in various data domains such as natural language processing, 
healthcare, computational biology, and finance. However, building models for 
sequence data which are robust to distribution shifts presents a unique 
challenge. Sequential data are often discrete rather than continuous, exhibit 
difficult to characterize distributions, and can display a much greater range 
of types of distributional shifts. Although many methods for improving model 
robustness exist for imaging or tabular data, extending these methods to 
sequential data is a challenging research direction that often requires 
fundamentally different techniques.

This workshop aims to provide a forum that outlines the main challenges in this 
area, as well as facilitates theoretical and methodological explorations for 
improving model robustness on sequential data and to highlight the importance 
of robustness in these settings. We encourage submissions on topics including 
but not limited to:

How well do existing robustness methods work on sequential data, and when or 
why do they succeed or fail?
Can we directly predict or otherwise characterize the performance of models on 
sequential data under distribution shifts?
How can we leverage the sequential nature of data to develop novel and 
distributionally robust methods?
What kinds of guarantees can we derive on predictive performance under 
distribution shifts, and how can we formalize these shifts?

Where appropriate, we encourage authors to add discussions of any ethical 
considerations relevant to the presented work.

Submission Instructions

We invite extended abstract submissions that are 3-4 pages long (not including 
references). All accepted papers will be presented in person as posters and 
lightning talks. There are no formal proceedings generated from this workshop. 
Authors are encouraged to make their work publicly available through our online 
listing of presented work. The reviewing process will be double-blind. Please 
submit anonymized versions of your paper that include no identifying 
information about any author identities or affiliations. Submitted papers must 
be new work that has not yet been published.

Submission format: NeurIPS paper 

Submission link: 

Nathan Ng, University of Toronto/Vector Institute/MIT
Haoran Zhang, MIT
Vinith Suriyakumar, MIT
Chantal Shaib, Northeastern
Kyunghyun Cho, NYU, Genentech
Yixuan Li, UW Madison
Alice Oh, KAIST
Marzyeh Ghassemi, MIT

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