AAAI 2022 Fall Symposium: Lessons Learned for Autonomous Assessment of
Machine Abilities (LLAAMA)

Symposium Date: November 17-19, 2022
Symposium Location: Arlington, Virginia, USA
Submission Deadline: August 26, 2022
LLAAMA Symposium Webpage:
AAAI 2022 Fall Symposium Main Webpage:

Modern civilian and military systems have created a demand for
sophisticated intelligent autonomous machines capable of operating in
uncertain dynamic environments. Such systems are realizable thanks in large
part to major advances in perception and decision-making techniques, which
in turn have been propelled forward by modern machine learning tools.
However, these newer forms of intelligent autonomy raise questions about
when/how communication of the operational intent and assessments of actual
vs. supposed capabilities of autonomous agents impact overall performance.
This symposium session will examine possibilities for enabling intelligent
autonomous systems to self-assess and communicate their ability to
effectively execute assigned tasks, as well as reason about the overall
limits of their competencies and maintain operability within those limits.
The symposium will bring together researchers working in this burgeoning
area of research to share lessons learned, identify major theoretical and
practical challenges encountered so far, and potential avenues for future
research and real-world applications.

We invite contributions from researchers in AI/expert systems, human
factors, autonomous robotics and control/complex systems engineering, and
other related disciplines that explore several key areas, including:
* Applications and studies of competency self-assessments in field robotics
and other real-world autonomous systems
* Measures of competency for operational self-assessment by autonomous
* AI/ML, uncertainty quantification, formal methods, and algorithmic
meta-reasoning techniques to enable/support autonomous competency
* Presentation and communication of machine generated competency
self-assessments to human users/stakeholders
* Techniques for evaluating the quality of machine generated competency
self-assessments (e.g. correctness, completeness, fidelity, reliability).

Please submit one of the following types of submissions via the AAAI FSS-22
EasyChair site as a .pdf document by August 26, 2022. Please use the AAAI
paper template available here.
* Regular papers (6-8 pages + references)
* Position papers (2-4 pages + references)
* Summary of previously published papers (1-2 pages)
Following review by and feedback from the symposium’s technical committee,
authors of selected papers will be invited to give a short presentation for
their contribution at the symposium.

Organizing Committee
Aastha Acharya, Nicholas Conlon, Nisar Ahmed (University of Colorado
Boulder); Rebecca Russell, Michael Crystal (The Charles Stark Draper Labs);
Brett Israelsen (Raytheon Technologies Research Center); Ufuk Topcu
(University of Texas Austin); Zhe Xu (Arizona State University); Daniel
Szafir (University of North Carolina)

Contact: Aastha Acharya (
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