Call For Papers

The 10th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2022)

December 5-8, Christchurch, New Zealand

The Tenth International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2022)
aims to be the premier interdisciplinary venue for discussing and
disseminating state-of-the-art research and results that have implications
across conventional interaction boundaries including robots, software
agents and digitally-mediated human-human communication. HAI will gather
researchers from fields spanning engineering, computer science, psychology
and sociology, and will cover diverse topics, including: human-robot
interaction, affective computing, computer-supported collaborative work,
gaming and serious games, artificial intelligence, and more.

The theme for the HAI2022 conference will be “Real-Virtuality: Merging the
Physical and Digital worlds”. Indeed, during the past two years a lot of
the interactions moved online; this year, hybrid interactions are becoming
possible. This regain of the virtual world combined with advances in
robotics and embodied intelligence offers new opportunities for researchers
to explore the connections between the physical and digital realm. Agents,
avatars and robots that can mediate and extend the human’s capabilities
allowing a seamless continuum between metaverse and real world. While all
submissions related to HAI are welcome, you are especially encouraged to
submit papers in line with the theme for HAI 2022. The HAI conference seeks
contributions from a broad range of disciplines such as engineering,
computer science, psychology, sociology, cognitive science, business,
marketing and design. We hope to be a venue to connect these diverse areas,
even though the conference will be online.

Topics include, but are not limited to:


   studies of Human-Agent Interaction, with quantitative/qualitative

   theoretical models;

   technological advances;

   experimental methods;

   impacts of embodiment;

   character and avatar design; and

   agents in applications, e.g. self-driving cars, social networks.

   agents in business and marking

   experience design

   Autonomous and adaptive agents/systems

Important Dates:

Full paper submissions: June 21, 2022

Poster submissions: August 2, 2022

Workshop submissions: August 1, 2022 ***(extended)***
Covid Response

The HAI2022 conference acknowledges the importance of face-to-face
meetings. The time has come to meet in person again. The conference format
will emphasize opportunities for researchers to meet and discuss their
work. This means that at least one author per paper needs to register and
attend the conference. We will consider medical exemptions. Due to
unforeseen circumstances, we will reserve the right to move the whole
conference online.

For details, see

Marlena R. Fraune
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology <>
New Mexico State University

***Please know that I honor and respect boundaries around personal time,
wellbeing, and rest. If you receive correspondence from me during a time
when you are engaging in any of the above, please protect your time and
wait to respond until you are next working. Take care.***
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