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The 9th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2021)

               Virtually Everywhere, November 9-11, 2021



People are increasingly interacting with computerized agents. Examples
include autonomous and tele-presence robots in homes, healthcare, or search
and rescue, virtual characters in the expanding gaming industry or for
serious games, and agents representing other people through on-line social
and interactive meeting places. Although these broad areas have their own
unique research challenges, there is a clear commonality to be addressed in
the investigation of how people interact with agents, whether they have
physical or virtual embodiments, or represent remote people or an AI
algorithm; this commonality requires explicit consideration.

The Ninth International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2021, in
cooperation with ACM SIGCHI) aims to be the premier interdisciplinary venue
for discussing and disseminating state-of-the-art research and results that
have implications across conventional interaction boundaries including
robots, software agents and digitally-mediated human-human communication.
HAI will gather researchers from fields spanning engineering, computer
science, psychology and sociology, and will cover diverse topics,
including: human-robot interaction, affective computing, computer-supported
collaborative work, gaming and serious games, artificial intelligence, and

The theme for HAI 2021 will be “Distributed Together, Making Connections”.
Due to the pandemic, we have been forced to disperse physically. As a
result, online video conferencing and communication through social
networking services are becoming more popular, with some drawbacks. Agents
and avatar systems that mediate and extend human society may help us to
overcome this isolation. Such systems could contribute by helping us to
make connections while we are apart from each other. While all submissions
related to HAI are welcome, you are especially encouraged to submit papers
in line with the theme for HAI 2021. The HAI conference seeks contributions
from a broad range of disciplines such as engineering, computer science,
psychology, sociology, cognitive science, business, marking and design. We
hope to be a venue to connect these diverse areas, even though the
conference will be online.

Topics include, but are not limited to:


   studies of Human-Agent Interaction, with quantitative/qualitative

   theoretical models;

   technological advances;

   experimental methods;

   impacts of embodiment;

   character and avatar design; and

   agents in social networks.

   agents in business and marking

   experience design

<< Important Dates >>

* Paper Submissions

- Deadlines for Submissions: June 21, 2021

- Paper Length:  up to 14 pages (ACM format [one-column], except
references), length should match contribution

- Notification of Paper Acceptance: August 2, 2021

* Poster Submissions

- Deadlines for Submissions: August 6, 2021

- Paper Length: up to 8 pages (except references)

- Notification of Poster Acceptance: August 16, 2021

- Camera-ready Copies of all (paper and poster) Accepted Papers: August 30

- HAI 2021 Conference: November 9-11th, 2021

<< Submission and Reviewing >>

HAI 2021 will accept ONLY online submissions of PDF files (no MS Word,
Latex, etc.). All submissions will be reviewed by three reviewers and will
receive a meta review for quality assurance. The paper will be evaluated on
the basis of research originality, excellence, and significance, and
relevance to HAI. We also invite position papers, preliminary (but high
impact) studies, and concept papers.

All papers need to be in the ACM SIGCHI format (
https://www.acm.org/publications/taps/word-template-workflow). Please visit
the submission page at the HAI 2021 Web site to prepare and submit your

Submission Site


For inquiries, please contact hai2...@hai-conference.net

== JOINT PROGRAMME with ICSR 2021 ==

HAI and ICSR organizing committees are pleased to announce that the 2021
edition of the conferences are working together on a joint program, ranging
from common access to all accepted papers, a common day of program on 10
Nov 2021 to a joint special issue for selected papers to promote exchange
and collaboration between the two communities. Further details will be
announced nearer to the conference dates.


General Chairs

Kohei Ogawa, Nagoya University

Tomoko Yonezawa, Kansai University

Gale M. Lucas, USC Institute for Creative Technologies

Program Chairs

Hirotaka Osawa, University of Tsukuba

Wafa Johal, University of New South Wales

Masahiro Shiomi, Advanced Research Institute

Program Committee

Muneeb Ahmad (Swansea University, United Kingdom)

Fady Alnajjar (UAE University , United Arab Emirates)

Christoph Bartneck (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)

Drazen Brscic (Kyoto University, Japan)

Christian Dondrup (Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom)

Amr El Mougy (German University in Cairo, Egypt)

Benjamin Files (US Army Research Lab, United States)

Rea Francesco (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)

Arno Hartholt (USC Institute for Creative Technologies, United States)

Chie Hieida (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)

Takato Horii (Osaka University, Japan)

Hung-Hsuan Huang (RIKEN, Japan)

Takamasa Iio (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

Michita Imai (Keio University, Japan)

Kentaro Ishii (Senshu University, Japan)

Nakanishi Junya (Osaka University, Japan)

Daisuke Katagami (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan)

Tomoko Koda (Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan)

Thomas Kosch (LMU Munich, Germany)

Itaru Kuramoto (Osaka University, Japan)

Yanan Li (University of Sussex, United Kingdom)

Haipeng Mi (Tsinghua University, China)

Takashi Minato (Advnced Telecommunications Research Institute
International, Japan)

Nagisa Munekata (Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan)

Tatsuya Nomura (Ryukoku University, Japan)

Yoshimasa Ohmoto (Shizuoka University, Japan)

Tetsuo Ono (Hokkaido University, Japan)

Daniel Rea (University of Manitoba, Canada)

Daisuke Sakamoto (Hokkaido University, Japan)

Eduardo Sandoval (University of New South Wales, Australia)

Nada Sharaf (The German University in Cairo, Egypt)

Benjamin Tag (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Hideyuki Takahashi (Osaka University, Japan)

Yugo Takeuchi (Shizuoka University, Japan)

Kazuaki Tanaka (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)

Kazunori Terada (Gifu University, Japan)

Hirotake Yamazoe (University of Hyogo, Japan)

Naoto Yoshida (Nagoya University, Japan)

All other information is online


For inquiries, please contact hai2...@hai-conference.net
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