==== Call For Papers ====
==== Extended Deadline Jun 4th ====
WIT: Workshop On Deriving Insights From User-Generated Text
Co-located with SIGKDD 2021, (Virtual) Singapore, Aug 14th-18th, 2021

Workshop Overview
Users from Web platforms and online services generate tremendous amounts of
user-generated data in the form of search requests, reviews, questions, and
answers. We believe there is tremendous opportunity to exploit advanced
AI/NLP techniques on user-generated text data which are rich in user
insights and experiences.
The WIT workshop provides a venue for researchers from the academia and
industry to address challenges around harnessing text-heavy user-generated
data that is available to different types of organizations, especially on
topics pertaining to the pipeline of extracting data from unstructured text
to a structured form to obtain insights. We will have a great line-up of
Invited Speakers and Panelists.
WIT will be held as a virtual single-day event at SIGKDD 2021.

We  encourage  submissions  that  describe  a  well-defined  piece  of
 research  or  is thought-provoking. Topics will include but are not
limited to information extraction, data cleaning, entity matching, schema
matching, semantic search, summarization, language generation,
 (common-sense) knowledge-bases and information seeking Q&A/Dialogue.
Submitted papers can be regular papers or extended abstracts. If there is
sufficient interest from the authors of accepted papers,  we may publish
the post-proceedings at CEUR. The maximum length of a regular paper is 8
pages plus unlimited number of pages for references. The maximum length of
an extended abstract is 4 pages plus unlimited number of pages for
references. At least one author of every accepted paper is expected to
attend the workshop. Regular papers will be given an oral presentation
slot.  Extended abstracts will be presented in the form of
poster/demo/short talks, depending on the workshop schedule.
Important Dates
• Submission deadline (All submission types): June 4th, 2021
• Notification of acceptance: June 10, 2021
• Camera ready papers due: TBD

Papers should be formatted following KDD2021 template (as describe in
guidelines here: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template) and
submitted using the submission system available in this link:

• Estevam Hruschka, Megagon Labs (este...@megagon.ai)
• Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University, (tom.mitch...@cmu.edu)
• Marko Grobelnik, Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI), (marko.grobel...@ijs.si)
• Behzad Golshan, Megagon Labs (beh...@megagon.ai)

If you have any questions or inquiries regarding the workshop, need
Mentorship on the suitability of your paper, or need further information,
please do not hesitate to send an email to w...@megagon.ai.
uai mailing list

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