The Donders Center for Cognition, Artificial Intelligence Department, Radboud 
University (Netherlands) is offering one 4-years full-time PhD position in 
Neuroscience-inspired robotics. The application deadline is 4 January 2021.

More information and applications can be submitted here:

Your application should include the following attachments:

·       Letter of motivation.

·       CV including the contact details of at least one reference.

We are looking for a PhD candidate to work on neuroscience-inspired neural 
network models for robots, particularly on spiking neural network models of 
perception and control for industrial arms. The overall aim of this project is 
to create biologically plausible models of representing the environment to 
allow both the discovery of actions by the robot and the generation of plans 
(sequential actions) to bring the system to the desired world state. You will 
contribute to our existing research on cognitive robotics and machine learning, 
including deep active inference, reinforcement learning and spiking neural 

The successful candidate will be supervised by Pablo Lanillos, Serge Thill and 
Marcel van Gerven and employed at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition 
and Behaviour, in the Netherlands, where you will have the opportunity to 
collaborate and interact with renowned experts in the fields of artificial 
intelligence, psychology and neuroscience. You will also benefit from the 
extensive training programme offered by the Donders Graduate School and our 
newly started ELLIS unit. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to 
supervise MSc and BSc students in their thesis projects.

The Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour is a world-class 
interfaculty research centre that houses more than 700 researchers devoted to 
understanding the mechanistic underpinnings of the human mind. Research at the 
Donders Institute is focused around four themes: 1. Language and communication, 
2. Perception, action and control, 3. Plasticity and memory, 4. Neural 
computation and neurotechnology. Excellent, state-of-the-art research 
facilities are available for the broad range of neuroscience, artificial 
intelligence and robotics research. The Donders Institute has been assessed by 
an international evaluation committee as excellent and recognised as a 'very 
stimulating environment for top researchers, as well as for young talent'. The 
Donders Institute fosters a collaborative, multidisciplinary, supportive 
research environment with a diverse international staff. English is the lingua 
franca at the Institute.

Details, requirements and application:

Useful links:
Artificial Cognitive Systems:
AI department:
Donders Insitute:

Pablo Lanillos, Serge Thill, Marcel van Gerven.
Dr Pablo Lanillos |
Assistant professor in Cognitive Artificial Intelligence | AI Robotics Lab
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, the Netherlands
ELLIS member
p.lanillos @

uai mailing list

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