The Machine Learning Section at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of 
Science at the University of Copenhagen is offering two PhD scholarships in 
Natural Language Processing with a start date of 1 September 2021. The 
application deadline is 31 January 2021.

The Machine Learning Section provides a strong, international and diverse 
environment for research within Theoretical and Applied Machine Learning, 
Natural Language Processing and Understanding, Information Retrieval, and 
Medical Image Analysis. It is housed within the main Science Campus, which is 
centrally located in Copenhagen. For details, see The successful candidates 
will join Isabelle Augenstein’s Natural Language Understanding research group 
(<>/). The Natural Language Processing 
research environment at the University of Copenhagen is internationally 
leading, as e.g. evidenced by it being ranked 2nd in Europe according to 

The PhD fellowships are offered in the context of a DFF Sapere Aude research 
leader fellowship on ‘Learning to Explain Attitudes on Social Media (EXPANSE)’. 
Sapere Aude is a program by the Independent Research Fund Denmark to support 
the most talented younger researchers in Denmark with funding for blue-skies 
research to build up or expand their research groups.

More information about the project can also be found at:

The principal supervisor is Associate Professor Isabelle Augenstein, Department 
of Computer Science, e-mail:<>.

Applicants should hold a MSc degree or equivalent in Computer Science or a 
related field, and have good written and oral English skills. The assessment of 
your qualifications will also be made based on previous scientific publications 
(if any) and relevant work experience.

Applications can be submitted here:


Isabelle Augenstein, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 5, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

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